
Showing posts from March, 2019

Ideas that changed my life - for good

Below is the list of some of the most powerful ideas and experiences that completely changed my life - for good. As I age out and new experience will get added in my life, the page will be updated. I hope you will like it and use it, its free !! :) Here is the list 1. Topping the list is  Vipassana  - In my 35 years, I haven't seen or done anything better than this. I am 10000% sure, I won't see anything better than this in this life or in my future lives. One has to experience it to believe it. Reading / Listening about Vipassana doesn't help. I could write 1000 pages of content on it in great detail, but it would be useless for the reader. As I said, one has to experience to believe it, like the sweetness of a candy can only be experienced but difficult to describe. The only thing that I know which has survived  for more than 1000 years  apart from language and Culture. Both Language and Culture are non-universal. Not everyone can use it in their personal lives.  Vip